33rd Prairie Grouse Technical Council Biennial Meeting: 2019
Hosted by : Sutton Avian Research Center in Bartlesville, Oklahoma
November 4-7, 2019
PDF files of oral presentations
Wednesday, 6 November
AM Moderators: Patricia Echo-Hawk, K.C. Jensen
8:10-8:40 Chris Omeilia: Lesser prairie-chicken: USFWS’s actions past, present, and future
8:40-9:00 Jon Haufler: North American Grouse Partnership: Twenty years of grouse conservation
9:00-9:20 Kristin Bondo: Infectious disease and parasitological survey of lesser prairie-chickens in the sand shinnery oak prairie ecoregion
9:20-9:40 Randy Rodgers: A brief history of human impacts on the lesser prairie-chicken
9:40-9:55 Break: Featured posters: Andy Gregory -Are agent-based models worth the hype?
Michael Whitson – Lesser prairie-chicken habitat selection and nest success response to various prescribed burning and grazing regimes in eastern New Mexico
10:00-10:20 Mike Schroeder: Impacts of the temporary loss of CRP on greater sage-grouse in Washington State
10:20-10:40 Lance McNew: The effects of livestock grazing on sharp-tailed grouse in the northern Great Plains
10:40-11:00 Jeff Tibbits: The Oklahoma land access program
11:00-11:20 David Londe: Habitat selection and thermal ecology of greater prairie-chicken broods
Thursday, 7 November
AM Moderators: Brett Cooper, Dwayne Elmore
8:10-8:40 Brett Cooper: Rangewide prairie grouse updates
8:40-9:00 Randy Rodgers: 40 years of counting lesser prairie-chickens in Hamilton County, KS
9:00-9:20 Jackie Augustine: Evaluation of unmanned aerial vehicles for surveys of lek-mating grouse
9:20-9:40 Danielle Berger: Nebraska’s prairie grouse: abundance, production and their historical drivers
9:40-9:55 Break: Featured poster: Chelsea Wright -Role of foot stomping during female mate choice and species recognition in prairie-chickens
10:00-10:20 Christian Hagen: Prairies, people, and chickens too –a retrospective from nearly a decade of voluntary conservation
10:20-10:40 Nicholas Parker: Lesser prairie-chicken and grassland response following intense wildfire in Kansas
10:40-11:00 Bram Verheijen: How can breeding stage-specific estimates of movements and space use of female lesser prairie-chickens aid conservation efforts?
11:00-11:20 Liam Berigan: Dispersal, habitat use, and eventual settlement of translocated lesser prairie-chickens
PM Moderator: Christian Hagen, Dan Svedarsky
12:30-12:50 Elisabeth Teige: Assessing a lesser prairie-chicken translocation in the sand sagebrush prairie ecoregion
12:50-13:10 Lena Larsson: Releasing captive-raised greater prairie-chickens into the wild
13:10-13:30 Kade Lazenby: Manipulating grouse populations: translocation, reintroduction, and transference of methods
13:30-13:50 Jacquelyn Gehrt: The comings and goings of lesser prairie-chickens: intrinsic and extrinsic influences on female nest attendance
13:50-14:10 Carly Aulicky: Not just dusty data: what can we learn from range-wide analyses of lesser prairie-chicken morphology?
14:10-14:25 Break: Featured posters: Hilary Syvertson -Assessing impacts of landscape use on winter ring-necked pheasant survival and mortality risk
Sprih Harsh – Spotting ring-necked pheasants: Factors impacting population and distribution in South Dakota
14:30-14:50 Andy Gregory: Greaters, lessers, or guessers: genetic analysis suggests low levels of hybridization among prairie grouse in west-central KS
14:50-15:10 Stephanie Manes: The right tool for the right job: tips for using conservation easements to prevent prairie grouse habitat fragmentation
October 2019 updates: 1) While we are planning a few extra bags and T-shirts, to be sure to receive all benefits (bag, T-shirt, meals), please register by noon on 14 October. Registrations received after that date, including on-site, will receive benefits only on an “if available” basis.
2) There is a venue change from earlier versions of this page. The meeting will take place at the Hilton Garden Inn rather than in the building across the street that was previously described.
Contact info@suttoncenter.org or call 918-336-7778 for more information.
Scroll down this page for detailed meeting information, or skip directly to the Online Registration page.
About Bartlesville
Meeting Location
Call for papers
Meeting agenda
Field Trips
John Toepfer Prairie Grouse Research Scholarship
Hamerstrom Award nominations
Online Registration page

Bartlesville’s downtown as seen from the west. The tall building on the far right is the Price Tower, a National Historic Landmark and a candidate for World Heritage status. The central cluster of tall office buildings are offices of Phillips 66 and ConocoPhillips. A small plane is seen here on approach to the airport, which is located just outside of the photo to the left. The large complex in the foreground is the 440-acre Phillips 66 Research Center, where research involving chemistry, microbiology and physics takes place related to air quality, wastewater treatment and the development of new polymers.
Bartlesville, situated in what was then known as Indian Territory, was incorporated in 1897, mere months before the Nellie Johnstone Number One oil well first struck black gold here. Oklahoma statehood would not come until a decade later in 1907. Bartlesville’s current population exceeds 35,000 and the community is about 21 square miles in size. Located at the intersection of U.S. Highway 75 and U.S. Highway 60, Bartlesville lies mostly in Washington County. It is bisected by the Caney River to the west of Highway 75. Average highs in November are 60 degrees F, and average lows are 36 degrees F. November typically has the fourth-least amount of precipitation (2.7 inches) of the twelve months in Bartlesville (40 inches annually). Please do check the Bartlesville weather forecast when you are packing for your trip, because although generally rather nice, the weather here can be quite variable in early November.
Bartlesville was long noted for being an unusually small town to host the corporate headquarters of a Fortune 500 company, Phillips Petroleum Company founded by Frank Phillips in 1905. While no longer home to that corporate headquarters (relocated to Houston), Bartlesville still has many employees of both Phillips 66 and ConocoPhillips, and their buildings dominate the skyline and streetscape of downtown Bartlesville. Oil pump manufacturing, oil pipeline welding, and zinc smelting are also prominent in Bartlesville’s business history. Our small city is home to Bartlesville Wesleyan University, as well as a satellite campus of Rogers State University based in Claremore, Oklahoma.
Highway 75 (also called Washington Blvd.) is the main north-south artery in town. Frank Phillips Blvd. and Adams Blvd. (also called Highway 60) are two of the four main arteries east and west that cross the Caney River. They are just four blocks apart downtown, and both boulevards intersect with Highway 75 to the east of downtown and Highway 123 to the west. The Highway 75 corridor and the downtown area are about two miles apart and are separated by the Caney River. They are the two main business districts in Bartlesville, where most shops and restaurants are located.
Welcome to Bartlesville for the 2019 PGTC meeting!
Price Tower
The meeting will be held in the Hilton Garden Inn at the corner of Frank Phillips Blvd. and Keeler Ave. in downtown Bartlesville (205 W Frank Phillips Blvd.).
The street parking downtown has a 2-hour time limit during business hours that is strictly enforced. Free parking is available on both sides of the Hilton Garden Inn (north and south), one of the hotels where we have reserved a block of rooms. The downtown area is very walkable, with several restaurants and bars within a few blocks of the Hilton Garden Inn.
The photo gallery below shows a panoramic view of Keeler Ave. looking south from Frank Phillips Blvd. with the hotel on the right (west). Hover to pause the slideshow.
Abstracts for the 33rd Prairie Grouse Technical Council meeting are now being accepted. The deadline for receipt of the abstracts is August 31, 2019. Authors will be notified about the acceptance of their submissions by 30 September. Selected papers will be scheduled at 20-minute intervals. Presentations should be limited to 15 minutes to allow 5 minutes for questions and comments. Speakers will be notified of the day, time, and location of their presentations.
An example of the abstract format is given below. Use Times New Roman font, size 12. First, give title in caps, insert line space, then provide author(s) and their affiliation. Capitalize all authors’ names and state abbreviations. In cases of two or more authors, place an asterisk after the name of the person presenting the paper; then line space again and start the abstract. Do not indent any part of the abstract. Abstracts, including authors and title lines, should be no more than 250 words (including title and authors).
Following the abstract, provide the following information:
1) E-mail address for corresponding author
2) Full address of corresponding author
3) Telephone number of corresponding author
4) Type of presentation (paper or poster)
5) Audio-visual needs (PowerPoint and/or audio)
6) Any additional comments about the presentation
Abstracts should include a statement of objectives, brief description of methods used, presentation of results, and a summary of conclusions/inferences drawn.
Sample abstract:
I. M. SMART*, Dept. Biological Sciences, Slapout Univ., Slapout, OK 73848 USA, N. O. ITALL and D. UNNIT, Oklahoma Conservation Dept., Foraker, OK 74000 USA.
Biologists have been plagued by problems of prairie grouse conservation since time immemorial. Our research has shown that the solution to all of these problems is …
I. M. Smart
Department of Biological Sciences
Phillips Building
123 Highway 270
Slapout, OK 73848
Please e-mail abstracts in MS Word or plain text format to: info@suttoncenter.org
Suggested themes: Prairie grouse hunting, Reproductive biology, Survivorship, Climate effects, Genetics/genomics, Management techniques, Impact of man-made structures, State agency efforts, Next generation biologists
MEETING AGENDA (version 1.0)
Monday, 4 November – 18:00 – 20:00 Opening reception (finger foods, drinks)
Tuesday, 5 November – Paper sessions and afternoon field trips (ODWC van sponsor)
8:00 – 8:50 Opening welcome –J.D. Strong, Amy Leuders/Jonna Polk, Harvey Payne, Don Wolfe
8:50 – 9:30 Paper Session
9:30 – 9:50 Break
9:50 – 11:30 Paper Session
11:30 – 12:30 Lunch (vouchers provided)
12:30 Depart for tour of Sutton Center facilities
12:30 – 15:00 One group at prairie-chicken facility, second at Sutton Center HQ / Masked Bobwhite facility. Groups switch at 13:45
15:00 – 17:30 Woolaroc Museum and Wildlife Preserve
Wednesday, 6 November – Paper sessions and afternoon field trips (ODWC van sponsor)
8:10 – 9:30 Paper Session
9:30 – 9:50 Break
9:50 – 11:30 Paper Session
11:30 – 12:30 Lunch (vouchers provided)
12:30 Depart for Williams Tallgrass Prairie Preserve
13:30 – 16:00 Tours of WTPP & Chapman Ranch (2-4 options)
16:00 – 17:00 Lead Ammunition shooting demonstration
17:00 – 18:00 Vans back to Bartlesville
Thursday, 7 November – Paper sessions, business meeting, banquet
8:10 – 9:30 Paper Session
9:30 – 9:50 Break
9:50 – 11:30 Paper Session
11:30 – 12:30 Lunch (vouchers provided)
12:30 – 14:30 Paper Session
14:30 – 15:00 Break
15:00 – 15:30 John Toepfer Memorial (Mountain Dew toast, various John stories)
15:30 – 16:30 Business meeting
18:00 – 21:00 Evening banquet, silent auction, awards, keynotes by Noppadol Paothong
Posters (throughout PGTC conference)

John Toepfer
Sutton Center Headquarters and Masked Bobwhite breeding facility: Located on a 40-acre hilltop southwest of Bartlesville, this has been the home of the Sutton Center since its founding in 1983. What was once an 8,000 square-foot residence owned by Harold Price (of the Price Tower in downtown Bartlesville, described elsewhere on this page) is now our administration building. Several large barns and labs have housed our previous Bald Eagle captive rearing program as well as birds previously used in our traveling education program. These buildings now house our captive breeding program for the endangered Masked Bobwhite quail.
Sutton Center Attwater’s Prairie-Chicken Facility: Situated on nearly 80 acres southeast of Bartlesville, this facility has been built over the past several years to accommodate large-scale captive-raising of endangered Attwater’s Prairie-Chickens and incorporates large outdoor netted enclosures over native prairie for acclimating prairie-chickens to life in the wild prior to release.
Woolaroc Museum and Wildlife Preserve: Former country residence and personal museum of Phillips 66 founder Frank Phillips, this 3,700-acre property established in 1925 contains a variety of native and exotic wildlife as well as the ultimate weekend wildlife lodge that Frank once used to close business deals with visiting corporate titans, and a large museum with an astonishing collection of western paintings and sculptures, Native American artifacts, Colt firearms and much, much more. The name Woolaroc is a portmanteau of the words woods, lakes and rocks which make up much of the local scenery. An elaborate prankster, Frank Phillips would sometimes play up Oklahoma’s “wild west” reputation by hiring “bandits” to “rob” his big-city guests on their way in to the ranch, before reuniting them with their possessions at the lodge. You will enjoy private access on a day when the museum and lodge are normally closed.
Joseph H. Williams Tallgrass Prairie Preserve: The Nature Conservancy owns and manages this preserve of about 40,000 acres, the largest remaining protected tract of native tallgrass prairie in the world, and home to over 2,000 free-ranging bison. Situated at the southern terminus of the Flint Hills region, most of which lies in Kansas, this area is at the core of the remaining range of Greater Prairie-Chickens in Oklahoma, and is also home to numerous other species dependent on tallgrass prairie habitat. The preserve was formerly the Chapman-Barnard Ranch, whose foreman was the rodeo champion Ben Johnson, and whose son, Ben Johnson, Jr., appeared as a cowboy in more than 300 movies. Tulsa businessman Joseph H. Williams, the honoree after whom the preserve is named, was also instrumental in the early fundraising efforts of the Sutton Center at its establishment.
Lead Ammunition Shooting Demonstration: With the Sutton Center’s long history of helping save the Bald Eagle through captive rearing and reintroductions, we are continuing to help conserve this species through education about the hazards of lead poisoning in eagles and other wildlife. We offer shooting demonstrations that show firsthand the difference in using traditional lead bullets versus solid copper bullets by shooting each into water jugs and ballistic gelatin. Only a few tiny lead fragments in a deer carcass can poison a scavenging eagle, as well as contaminate meat intended for human consumption. Our demonstration provides a convincing display of reasons why hunters should voluntarily choose solid copper ammo. Plus, it is fun to shoot stuff!
Shooting demonstration: water jugs
Our featured speaker is Noppadol Paothong, a professional photographer with a passion for grouse.
Noppadol is a nature/conservation photographer and an associate fellow with the International League of Conservation Photographers (iLCP). The iLCP is an elite group of world’s top wildlife, nature, and culture photographers around the globe.
He is also a staff wildlife photographer with the Missouri Department of Conservation and contributes his images and stories to its publication, Missouri Conservationist, Xplor, and many others. With a monthly circulation of over 500,000, the Missouri Conservationist is known as one of the largest and highest quality state conservation magazines in the nation.
For over 15 years, he has been documenting rare and endangered species, primarily grassland grouse and their fragile habitat, and has published two large-format, national award-winning books, Save the Last Dance (2012) and Sage Grouse, Icon of the West (2017).
His images appear regularly in many national publications, such as Audubon, Nature Conservancy, National Wildlife, Ranger Rick, and many more.

Attwater’s Prairie-Chicken by Noppadal Paothong
We are now accepting nominations for the Hamerstrom Award to be presented at the 33rd Prairie Grouse Technical Council Meeting in November 2019. Please see the official criteria below. Note that the deadline this year has been moved forward to 31 August. Please send nomination via email (preferred) or U. S. Postal Service to:
Don Wolfe dwolfe@suttoncenter.org
G.M. Sutton Avian Research Center
PO Box 2007
Bartlesville, OK 74005
The Hamerstrom Award was established in honor of Fred and Fran Hamerstrom, pioneers of prairie grouse research and management. It will be awarded at the meeting of the Prairie Grouse Technical Council. The award will consist of a plaque with the engraved name of the recipient.
Award Criteria:
- To recognize individual(s) and organization(s) who have made significant contributions in prairie grouse research, management or other support programs which have enhanced the welfare of one or more species of prairie grouse in a particular state or region.
- The contribution should be evidenced by a sustained effort over at least 10 years.
- The contribution may be related to research, management activity, promotion of an integrated program, or some combination thereof. The relative importance given to these three categories of contributions is the prerogative of the Awards Committee, but it should be based on how it has helped the overall welfare and survival of prairie grouse.
Selection Procedure:
- The selection of award recipients will be made by the three-member Executive Board and two additional members appointed by the Chairman.
- Nominations will be accepted at large as well as from members of the Awards Committee.
- Nominations will be submitted to the designated Awards Committee Chairman at least one month before (deadline for the 33rd meeting is August 31, 2019) the biennial meeting of the Prairie Grouse Technical Council.
- Nominations should include the following information:
- Name, address, and phone number of nominee.
- Biographic sketch of individual or brief history of an organization.
- Overview of contributions indicating the nature of the contributions, duration, how it has contributed to the welfare of one or more species of prairie grouse, and the geographic area influenced by the contributions.
- A maximum of two individual awards and two organization awards may be presented at a biennial meeting. No awards will be given if the Awards Committee feels that no qualifying individuals or organization are nominated at the time.
Dr. John Toepfer devoted over 40 years to research and conservation of prairie grouse and mentored dozens of students. He unselfishly provided resources, encouragement, and advice to students and colleagues, and encouraged long-term field studies rather than purely academic research. To honor John’s life and to continue his legacy of supporting prairie grouse students, the Sutton Center has created the John Toepfer Prairie Grouse Research Scholarship endowment fund. The first scholarship will be presented at the 2019 Prairie Grouse Technical Council meeting. For more information, visit https://www.suttoncenter.org/john-toepfer-research-scholarship/
Applications for the scholarship will be accepted until 31 August 2019. Applicants must be a student actively researching prairie grouse, and plan to attend and present their research findings at the upcoming Prairie Grouse Technical Council meeting. The recipient will receive reimbursement of meeting registration and an additional monetary award to defray expenses of attending the meeting. Applications should include a 1-page cover letter, a copy of the submitted presentation abstract, a 1-page resume, and a 1-page letter of recommendation by a graduate advisor. Applications should be sent as a single pdf file to Aaron Pratt at: apratt@suttoncenter.org

John Toepfer
Bartlesville is in northeastern Oklahoma along U.S. Highway 75 about 50 miles north of Tulsa and about 20 miles south of Kansas. The closest commercial airport is Tulsa International Airport (airport code TUL) in northeastern Tulsa, with service by American, Delta, Southwest and United Airlines, along with smaller carriers Allegiant, Frontier and Via. Car rentals are available from Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, National, Payless and Thrifty.
If you would like shuttle service for the 45-minute drive from the Tulsa airport to Bartlesville, you can book directly with 75 Express at 918-350-0050 or contact them by email at 75expressbartlesville@gmail.com. Specify the Prairie Grouse Technical Council Meeting and you may be grouped with others who are on a similar schedule to obtain a better rate.
We have reserved blocks of rooms at three local hotels on a first-come, first-served basis. Be sure to use the booking links below or mention Prairie Grouse Technical Council when calling the phone numbers below for a reservation to get these special rates.
- Hilton Garden Inn (205 SW Frank Phillips Blvd.). Our meeting location. Rate is $94 (plus taxes), and includes breakfast in their restaurant.The last day to book at this rate is October 21, 2019. https://secure3.hilton.com/en_US/gi/reservation/book.htm?inputModule=HOTEL&ctyhocn=BTVGIGI&spec_plan=PGT&arrival=20191104&departure=20191108&cid=OM,WW,HILTONLINK,EN,DirectLink&fromId=HILTONLINKDIRECT or call 918-336-0808
- Days Inn (on Highway 75 behind IHOP about 4 miles from the meeting location at 1410 SE Washington Blvd.). These rooms are also bookable by calling the hotel directly. $50 single, $55 double https://www.wyndhamhotels.com/days-inn/bartlesville-oklahoma/days-inn-bartlesville/rooms-rates?checkInDate=11/4/2019&checkOutDate=11/5/2019&groupCode=CGPGTC Jordyn Johnson, General Manager, Days Inn Bartlesville, 1410 SE Washington Blvd, Bartlesville, OK 74006, 918-331-9151
- Inn at Price Tower (located at 510 S. Dewey Ave., about 5 blocks from the meeting location) Architecture fans may appreciate staying in one of the limited number of rooms in Frank Lloyd Wright’s only skyscraper. In order to receive the discounted rate of $99 for a regular room and $169 for the 2-story suite, you will need to call directly and specify that you are with the Prairie Grouse Technical Council. 918-336-1000 https://us01.iqwebbook.com/IAPTOK191/
- Additional hotels in Bartlesville include Candlewood Suites, Hampton Inn, Holiday Inn Express, Fairfield Inn, Motel 6. RV camping is also available nearby (inquire for details), and both RV and tent camping are available (as well as cabins) at Osage Hills State Park along Highway 60 about 13 miles west of the meeting location.
Hover to pause the slideshow.
- Lunches during the meeting will be available from the ConocoPhillips cafeteria. Lunch vouchers will be provided.
- The Painted Horse Bar and Grill has a large bar and a diverse menu and is located on Frank Phillips Blvd. across the street to the north of the meeting location.
- Frank and Lola’s bar and restaurant is a local dining favorite with limited seating located about two blocks east and two blocks north of the meeting location at 2nd St. and Dewey Ave. John Toepfer came for the ribeyes, and Steve Sherrod practically has a reserved seat here for dinner.
- Boomerang Diner serves three basic squares a day on Frank Phillips Blvd., conveniently located across the street to the north of the meeting location.
- Hideaway Pizza started in Oklahoma State University’s home town of Stillwater in 1957, and now has nearly 20 locations in two states. It is located on the corner of Frank Phillips Blvd. and Johnstone Ave. one block north and one block east of the meeting location.
- Omega Chocolate serves handmade chocolates and Italian-style gelato on Frank Phillips Blvd. across the street north and just east from the meeting location.
- Weeze’s Cafe is a local breakfast favorite located near 4th and Dewey, about two blocks east of the meeting location. Try the breakfast skillets, biscuits and gravy or an omelette.
- Outpost Coffee at the corner of 4th and Dewey, about 2 blocks east of the meeting location, roasts beans on site in a vintage West German (1985) roaster, and serves craft coffees. Open 6-2 weekdays and 7-2 on Saturday.
- Dink’s Pit BBQ has been serving up the ‘cue to locals and visitors since 1982, and is located on the south side of Frank Phillips Blvd. about 8 blocks west of Highway 75.
- Rib Crib BBQ restaurant has its franchise headquarters in Tulsa, and has over 60 locations in eight states. In Bartlesville, it is located on the west side of Highway 75 at 2077 SE Washington Blvd.
- Samantha’s Restaurant is a nice place to take your spouse for dinner at 601 E 4th St. near downtown Bartlesville.
- Copper Restaurant and Bar on the 16th floor of the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed Price Tower offers commanding views of downtown Bartlesville and a Louisiana-inspired menu. It is another great place to take your spouse, and it is located at the corner of Dewey Ave. and Silas St. (also called 6th St.) downtown. Seating is limited.
- El Maguey Mexican Grill and Cantina offers slightly upscale Mexican dining on the east side of Highway 75 at 1900 SE Washington Blvd.
- Tacos Pachitas is a modest Mexican restaurant located on the south side of Frank Phillips Blvd. about 3 blocks west of the meeting location. It is a staff favorite of the Sutton Center for its street tacos and plate dinners.
- Senor Salsa is a modest local favorite for Mexican food, located on the west side of Highway 75 at 621 SE Washington Blvd.
- La Fiesta is another local favorite for Mexican food located on the east side of Highway 75 at 3800 SE Washington Blvd. near Days Inn.
- Murphy’s Original Steak House is a casual, diner-style restaurant attracting locals since 1946 on the south side of west Frank Phillips Blvd. about 13 blocks west of the meeting location. For something local and different, order a “hot hamburger.” No, it isn’t spicy. When asked “Gravy over all?” by the waitress, the correct answer is “yes.” You will feel like a local, and you can think of it as the 36-degrees latitude, cattle-country version of Canada’s poutine, without the cheese curds.
- Sushi-One offers both hibachi dinners and sushi on the east side of Highway 75 at 3805 SE Washington Blvd. near Days Inn.
- Tinkers GlassHouse Bar and Grill is a newer restaurant in a brick building dating to 1910, serving steaks and more on the north side of Frank Phillips Blvd. about 6 blocks east of the meeting location.
- Luigi’s Italian Restaurant is located on the north side of Frank Phillips Blvd. just east of Highway 75 at 3822 E Frank Phillips Blvd.
- Braum’s is an Oklahoma-based fast food franchise and dairy store with two locations in Bartlesville, one on the east side of Highway 75 near the south end of town, and one just northeast of the intersection of Adams Blvd. and Highway 75 on Adams Road (turn east off Highway 75 at Burger King). Try the hamburgers, hand-dipped ice cream cones, and freshly squeezed limeades, all worth a stop while you are here.
- Price Tower: The only skyscraper designed and built by Frank Lloyd Wright, this downtown Bartlesville building was the headquarters of the H.C. Price Company and is now home to an art gallery, hotel, and 16th floor bar and restaurant, and more of the tower can be toured by special arrangement. It is a National Historic Landmark and is a candidate for World Heritage status. The Sutton Center has a link to the Price Tower in that Harold Price Jr., son of the company founder, and founding board member of the Sutton Center, donated his country home and property to the Sutton Center when it was established, and it remains our headquarters today. The tiny elevators and lack of 90-degree wall angles inside the Price Tower are an experience for first-time visitors!
- Dewey Hotel / Tom Mix Museum: A nineteenth-century, beautifully restored hotel with period furnishings can be toured across the street from the Tom Mix Museum in Dewey, a small community bordering Bartlesville to the north. Tom Mix was a major Hollywood film cowboy of the 1920s. Also visit the nearby, old-fashioned soda fountain and several antique stores in Dewey.
- Phillips 66 Museum: Learn about the history of Bartlesville’s own Fortune 500 company. Located on Keeler Ave. just across the courtyard south of the meeting location.
- Exquisite woodcarvings of waterfowl and many other birds are on display in the lobby of the imposing ConocoPhillips Plaza Office Building located directly east of the meeting building. Walk through the covered walkway connecting the meeting building with the Plaza building. Or walk east through the courtyard on the south side of the tower to enter the building from 315 Johnstone Ave. Both the east and west lobbies of the Plaza building contain carvings. Ask at the security desk to pass from one side to the other. Each carving was a winner in a regional carving contest.
- Bartlesville Area History Museum: Learn about the history of Jacob Bartles and others central to the settlement that became Bartlesville. Located on Johnstone Ave. one block east and one block south of the meeting location.
- Frank Phillips Historic Home: Tour the former residence of Phillips 66 founder Frank Phillips and his wife Jane. Located on Cherokee Ave. south of downtown.
- Nellie Johnstone Number One: A reconstruction and faux operating replica of Oklahoma’s first commercially productive oil well can be visited on site at Johnstone Park at the north end of Cherokee Ave. in downtown Bartlesville. This 1897 oil gusher really kicked off Bartlesville, and continued producing until the late 1940s!
- Pathfinder Parkway: Looking for a place to walk or run? This 12+ mile asphalt greenbelt trail parallels the Caney River for much of its length. Explore at will, but for the scenic highlights, we suggest parking at the trailhead on south Shawnee Ave. at the southeast corner of the Bartlesville High School campus and following the trail a mile to the southeast to visit the arched pedestrian bridge over the Caney River. Along the way, you will see a number of interpretive bird signs created and installed by the Sutton Center in 1997.
- Pioneer Woman and Mercantile: Fans of the Food Network will know Ree Drummond, the “Pioneer Woman” and Bartlesville native and current Osage County ranch wife who now has her cooking show, blog, many cookbooks, her own magazine, her own line of kitchenware at Walmart, BBQ sauces and salad dressings hitting stores nationwide, and several restaurants in Pawhuska (located about 20 miles west of Bartlesville on Highway 60). Her flagship Mercantile restaurant and store attracts thousands of fans to Pawhuska from across the country. Browse the store and visit the bakery upstairs, but be prepared to wait in line for a table at the restaurant!
- Gilcrease Museum: Located in northwest Tulsa, the Gilcrease Museum houses the largest collection of American western art in the world, as well as important art and artifacts from Central and South America.
- Philbrook Museum: Located in the extraordinary former Tulsa home of Frank’s younger brother, Waite Phillips, the Philbrook Museum’s art collection spans multiple continents and time periods.
- Gathering Place: This nationally admired Tulsa park opened in September 2018 with construction costs nearing a half-billion dollars, paid largely by local philanthropist George Kaiser and many Tulsa companies. Designed by noted landscape architect Michael Van Valkenburgh and featuring amazing play towers and equipment sourced from specialized craftsmen in rural Germany and around the world, you will likely find your stroll through its 100 acres to be remarkable.
- Tulsa Zoo: Visit 85 acres of exhibits including primates, cats, polar creatures, African megafauna, a rain forest and much more.
- J. M. Davis Arms & Historical Museum: Located about an hour to the southeast of Bartlesville in Claremore, this museum houses the former personal gun collection of Claremore hotel owner J. M. Davis (the “world’s largest privately owned gun collection”). Housed in a 40,000 square foot building, the collection numbers some 12,000 firearms, as well as collections of beer steins, WWI posters, and many other items. Order a slice of pie at the Hammet House restaurant while you are in Claremore.
- Will Rogers Memorial Museum and Birthplace: A terrific museum in Claremore dedicated to one of Oklahoma’s most famous native sons. His birthplace ranch is a few miles to the north near Oologah.
Hover to pause the slideshow.
- $75.00 – Student Early Registration
- $125.00 – Student Registration (after 30 September)
- $150.00 – Early Registration
- $200.00 – Registration (after 30 September)
Contact info@suttoncenter.org or call 918-336-7778 for more information.