Great Horned Owl – "Timber"
(Bubo virginianus)

“Timber”, the Great Horned Owl
Distribution: Great Horned Owls are found throughout most of North America south through parts of South America.
Size: Great Horned Owls are 18-26 inches long, have a wingspan of up to 5 feet, and weigh 2-5 pounds.
Diet: These owls eat small and medium sized mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects and occasionally carrion.
Lifespan: The Great Horned Owl can live over 20 years.
Reproduction: Great Horned Owls, like all owls, do not build their own nest. They use abandoned stick nests (usually from red-tailed hawks), tree hollows, cliff ledges, or cave entrances. The female incubates 1-3 eggs for 30-35 days. The young fledge around 10 weeks of age. The fledglings are tended by the parents for up to 5 months.
Did You Know?
- The ‘ear tufts’ on the top of a Great Horned Owl’s head aren’t ears. They are tufts of feathers that help break up the owl’s outline for camouflage.
- Their ears are located under the feathers on their face.
- The Great Horned Owl is one of the few species that will prey on skunks.