American Crow – "Russell" and "Edgar"
(Corvus brachyrhynchos)

“Russell” (Photo courtesy

Distribution: American Crows are found throughout the United States and parts of Canada.
Size: American Crows are 17-21 inches in length with wingspans from 33-40 inches and weigh 1/2-1 1/2 pounds.
Diet: Crows eat a variety of animal and vegetable matter and are essentially omnivores.
Lifespan: American crows can live in the wild as long as 14 years, but wild bird life spans average 7-8 years. In captivity, American crows have lived as long as 20 years.
Reproduction: Sexual maturity occurs at two years of age. The male and female crows cooperate in building a high nest, usually in a hardwood tree. The female incubates 4-5 eggs for 18 days. While on the nest, she will beg for food like a baby bird and will be fed by the male. Young fledge at 35 days but are typically fed and protected, by parents and older siblings, for several weeks following first flight.
Did You Know?
- Crows have been considered pests because of their nest raiding and crop destroying habits. However, they also help keep pest populations down (i.e. by feeding on grasshoppers, cutworms, and some rodents).
- In the fall and winter, American Crows form roosting flocks which can consist of thousands of birds.
- Crows are extremely intelligent birds and have a fondness for shiny objects. They often cache food or shiny objects where they can later find them.