Linda Maholland helping to catalog our journal article archive
The Sutton Center has been blessed over the years by an outpouring of support from the general populace. Our many members have contributed to offset the continuous financial needs of the organization, from keeping enclosures heated or cooled to underwriting innovative conservation projects in the field. Yet, beyond giving monetary donations, people are likewise interested in offering other forms to aid the efforts of nonprofit organizations, such as their own time and effort. The gift of volunteerism is valuable to a nonprofit organization, and we gladly accept such contributions to help us accomplish our many tasks!

Rhonda Cannady helps to clean and organize the garage
Volunteers have contributed much to the Center over the past few years, including: monitoring Bald Eagle nests (as part of the Bald Eagle Survey Team – BEST); revitalizing the quail barn; creating beautiful landscaping around the campus; cleaning, organizing, and inventorying our garages; repurposing underutilized spaces; cataloging our collection of journal reprints and books; scanning our massive collection of photo slides; and generally making the Sutton Center a wonderful place to work!
We are seeking ways to more fully use everyone’s organizational, detail-oriented, and hard-working talents to best help the Sutton Center advance in accomplishing our mission. Possible projects include small construction around campus, building upkeep, and committee planning for education, outreach, and/or development events.
If you could define yourself as an idea machine, a construction hobbyist, a filing enthusiast, or a handy helper, please consider volunteering to contribute your talents to a great cause! Contact Us at info@suttoncenter.org to learn more about current opportunities. We’d love to have you join the team!