Current Opportunities at the Sutton Center
Seasonal Employment
Each year, the Sutton Avian Research Center hires a number of seasonal field technicians and interns. These positions may include endangered species husbandry and/or field work on birds. Many positions are for periods running from March through August, but we occasionally need technicians for other times of the year, and we sometimes have positions that need to be filled immediately.
We are looking for Summer 2025 interns for our Attwater’s Prairie-Chicken and Masked Bobwhite endangered species captive breeding programs and for Lesser Prairie-chicken surveyors for Spring 2025. Prairie-chicken applicants should send a cover letter, resume and three references to, and quail or LPC survey applicants should send the same information to
SUTTON AVIAN RESEARCH CENTER, P.O. BOX 2007, BARTLESVILLE, OK 74005. We often start filling upcoming positions several months prior to the time the work begins, so applying early will increase the likelihood of being hired.
For questions or volunteer opportunities please contact us: .